115 Grady Avenue

Athens, Georgia 30601

115 Grady Avenue

Athens, Georgia 30601

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Town & Gown

What does diversity mean for Town & Gown Players?
Diversity includes race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, LGBTQIA+, faith or lack thereof, age, ability, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, body positivity, and other individual elements that reflect our visible and invisible qualities, backgrounds, and environments.

What does equity mean for Town & Gown Players?
Equity involves intentional engagement with communities of color by showing up in their spaces. Equitable practices for Town & Gown will include engagement through participation, volunteerism, and/or funding in events hosted by communities of color. Equity practices will also expand to our communication efforts – physical mail, email, social media, local newspapers, festivals, radio stations; word of mouth, etc.

What does inclusion mean for Town & Gown Players?
Inclusion involves creating sense of belonging and a welcoming environment in theatrical culture. Building a culture of inclusion will foster strong participation with seasoned and new membership, strong relationships with friends of the theater, and service through several roles and positions including: a patron, cast, crew, committee member, Front of House volunteer, a Board of Director, and/or a Board of Trustee.

The Diversity Assessment and Diversity Plan of Work of Town & Gown Players

In 2021, a Board of Directors member and DEI expert was tasked with doing a Diversity Assessment in the theater. 14 interviews were conducted with people who held membership from the 1970s to the 2000s, providing a total of 17 hours for interview time and 28 hours overall for assessment. These individuals provided insight, perspective, and institutional knowledge on Town & Gown’s DEI history.

To view the 2021 T&G Diversity Assessment, please click here.

After the 2021 T&G Diversity Assessment was complete, the 2021 BOD approved of the 2021 T&G Diversity Plan of Work. This plan included four recommendations by the DEI expert based on the data provided by Town & Gown members and feedback from every Board member was also used to improve and polish the recommendations.

To view the 2021 T&G Diversity Plan of Work, please click here.

In 2022, Graf Imhoof collaborated with Town & Gown Players to complete a graduate-level independent internship study. For this study, Graf focused on incorporating diversity into a small-town theatre company. This study revealed four conclusions/recommendations based on 8 interviews with our membership.

To view the 2022 T&G Internship Independent Study Report, please click here.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report of Town & Gown Players

To review details on the 2022 T&G DEI Report, please click here.

The Ethnic/Racial Report by Season shows the reflection of Town & Gown’s efforts with diverse populations. Please see the highlighted data below categorized by season:
Season 69
Ethnic/Racial Cast & Crew – 20%
Season 68
Ethnic/Racial Cast & Crew – 3%
Season 67
Ethnic/Racial Cast & Crew – 5%
Season 66
Ethnic/Racial Cast & Crew – 10%

For more details on raw numbers and percentages of the Ethnic/Racial Report by Season, please click here.